Gut Magic - 30 Capsules
Corner Chemist
It's generally accepted that sixty five percent of our health is regulated by the gut!
Gut Magic is a specially formulated group of foods created to enhance balance in our lives.
Gut Magic uses a series of Australian foods to help with everyday well-being.
What is the difference between Gut Magic (a prebiotic) and probiotics?
You would have heard of prebiotics and probiotics, but what actually are they? Probiotics are live microorganisms that are found in bacteria, yeast and fungi. When taken in large doses, they can help improve and maintain the health of your gut. These friendly bacteria are essential for maintain good health and vitality.
Like any living entity, these good bacteria need food to survive, so you need to feed them prebiotic foods - or a simple solution is to take one capsule of Gut Magic at the start of each day.
How do prebiotics affect our health?
There is a wealth of research on the many benefits of incorporating prebiotics into our diets.
"Prebiotics play essential roles in the maintenance of our immune system and general health. Plus they can assist in the production of natural antibiotics in the body" says nutritionist and naturopath Russell Setright.
Prebiotics are key to the growth and survival of your own probiotics and can actively discourage the growth of harmful organisms.
What happens if you do not get enough prebiotics and probiotics?
They may be a small building block, but they play an enormous role in our health and wellbeing.
"If your diet lacks probiotics and prebiotics, pathogenic bacteria can flourish, leading to poor digestion, bloating, flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea, inflammation and damage of the gut lining. An imbalance of gut bacteria can result in leaky gut syndrome, candida, an increase in susceptibility to infections(such as urinary tract infections), allergies, colds & flu. Some studies have found that pathogens in the gut can also affect weight management, leading to obesity" says Setright. Having an unhealthy balance of 'bad' bacteria in the gut can also affect your emotional health, as a large percentage of our brain chemicals (like serotonin) are made in the gut."
Why it's important to look after your gut
The digestive system is the powerhouse of our body. Not only does it remove waste material, it is tasked with breaking down foods into glucose and nutrients that we need for energy and nourishment. Responsible for 65% of the body's immune system, the digestive system has the critical role of defending the body against harmful bacteria and viruses.
"We are what we eat is partially correct. If we do not properly digest and utilise the nutrients we eat, then many functions (including the nervous systems, immune and hormone systems) may not receive the chemicals needed for good health" says Setright.
Ingredients: Ozlife (Wild Food Blend - Wild Rosella, Illawarra Plum, Rainforest Lime, Kalari Plum, Riberry, Lemon Myrtle, Quandong, Forestberry Herb, Anise Myrtle, Davidson Plum, Acacia Gum, Sea Vegetable Extract, Pepperberry, Mountain Pepper), Cherry, Apple Fibre, Trehalose, Blackberry, Pineapple Core, Nine Essential Oil Extracts (Herbal-Active®), Grape Seed and Skin, Acacia Gum, Acai, Black Currant, Mangosteen, Stevia), Turmeric, MSM, Ginger.