Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test 10
Identifies a wider fertile window than any other ovulation test
The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test identifies the fertile window of the menstrual cycle by monitoring two key urinary fertility hormones, estrone-3-glucuronide (E3G; one of the urinary metabolites of estradiol) and luteinizing hormone (LH). By measuring these two hormones, the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is the only ovulation test that accurately detects the timing of a wider fertile period of typically 4 days, 2 more than other ovulation tests.
Conception is most likely to occur when intercourse takes place on the day before, or day of ovulation and detection of the LH surge is a precise measure for the timing of ovulation.2 However, conception is possible when intercourse takes place throughout the fertile window. Importantly, it has been proposed that regular intercourse during the entire fertile period is more likely to lead to pregnancy, than intercourse at peak fertility alone.3 Establishing the timing of ovulation and a wider fertile window has practical utility to assist couples in appropriately timing intercourse.2
The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test:
- Typically identifies 4 fertile days - 2 more than other ovulation tests - to maximize a woman's chances of conception.
- Is the only Ovulation Test that accurately tracks the changing levels of 2 key urinary hormone metabolites - E3G and LH.
- Is the only Ovulation Test that can adapt to a woman's personal cycle every time she uses it with its unique, smart algorithm.
- Incorporates the latest fertility monitoring technology, which is more than 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge.
- Is the only digital ovulation test brand with an unmistakable smiley face result.