Incremin Iron Tonic 200mL
Centrum Kids Incremin Iron Mixture supplement is a sugar free, balanced formulation for children whose dietary intake of lysine, Vitamins B1, B6, B12 and iron may be inadequate.
Dietary vitamin deficiency may result if a child is a fussy or tardy eater, has a poor appetite or is recovering from illness. Centrum Kids Incremin Iron mixture helps when your children won't eat.
Which Vitamins are important?
IRON helps to transport oxygen around the body. LYSINE is an important amino acid for building new tissue and necessary for growth in children. B GROUP VITAMINS are important for normal growth and development of children. They also help regulate metabolism and convert food to energy.
Who is it for?
Centrum Kids Incremin Iron mixture is available in a great tasting cherry flavoured, sugar free oral liquid, for children of all ages. Check with your healthcare professional on suitability.
Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDIs) and Centrum
Centrum Kids Incremin Iron mixture does not contain excessive levels of vitamins but is developed with levels close to the RDIs to supplement the diet, not replace it. Centrum Kids Incremin Iron mixture is ideal for kids where dietary intake may result from fussy eating, poor appetite or recovering from illness. Check with your healthcare professional for suitability.