Elevit Pregnancy Multivitamins



Elevit is a pregnancy multivitamin and mineral supplement that has been specially formulated to help meet the increased nutritional needs of women who are trying to conceive, pregnant and breastfeeding.


Deciding to start or extend a family marks the beginning of an exciting and momentous journey for a couple. A journey for which preparation is key.

Elevit is a pregnancy multivitamin and mineral supplement that has been specially formulated to help meet the increased nutritional needs of women who are trying to conceive, pregnant and breastfeeding.

  • Support when you're trying for a baby

The first 6–8 weeks after conception are critical for your baby’s development including growth of its vital organs. Yet most women don’t know they are pregnant until after their baby starts to grow and develop.

It can take time to build the higher level of nutrients your body will need to support you and your growing baby. Despite your best efforts it can be difficult to get enough through diet alone. It's therefore important to start taking Elevit daily from at least 1 month before you start trying to get pregnant. Elevit helps build up the essential nutrients to support your baby’s healthy development from the day you concieve.

  • Support when you're pregnant

Whilst pregnant, the recommended dietary intake of nutrients increases by up to 150%3 and despite the best intentions, it can be difficult to meet these additional nutritional needs through diet alone.

Taking a pregnancy multivitamin and mineral supplement, such as Elevit, can help build up the essential nutrients required and help cover the needs of both mother and baby throughout your entire pregnancy.

  • Support when you're breastfeeding

Nutritional requirements increase during breastfeeding to cover the needs of both mum and baby. It might be difficult to meet these increased requirements through food alone. That means you may need extra nutrients to help cope with the demands of breastfeeding and motherhood. Elevit contains essential vitamins and minerals to help support mothers increased needs during breastfeeding and support baby’s ongoing development.

Key vitamins and minerals that are essential to support baby’s healthy development include folic acid, iron and iodine:

Folic Acid – Elevit contains 800 mcg folic acid
Iodine – Elevit contains 220 mcg of iodine
Iron – Elevit contains 60 mg of elemental iron
The key benefits behind the essential ingredients in Elevit include:

  • Folic Acid

During the first few weeks of pregnancy, before most women find out that they are pregnant, the neural tube has already developed or closed. The neural tube forms the baby’s brain and spinal cord, which is essential to the central nervous system. A woman’s nutritional folate status can play an important role in the formation of the neural tube. Folic acid, the supplemental form of folate, is clinically proven7 to reduce the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida.

  • Iodine

Iodine is an essential nutrient for the growth and normal development of baby’s brain. Iodine requirements increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding and it is important that women planning pregnancy and who are pregnant or breastfeeding have an adequate intake to support the needs of their developing baby.

Following the mandatory fortification of commercial bread- baking with iodised salt, it is still recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women will require a pregnancy supplement containing iodine10.

  • Iron

Iron demand increases during pregnancy due to the rise in maternal blood volume, growth of the foetus and placenta9. Iron helps prevent dietary iron deficiency. Iron is important in the formation of red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body so it’s a good idea to make sure you are covering the increased needs of pregnancy.



*** Please note that this product is a Scheduled Medicine in Western Australia. In order to ensure this product is appropriate and safe for you to use, we would appreciate it if you could respond to the following questions for us. 


Who is this product for (Age and gender)? 

What were you using this medication to treat?

Has the person used this medication before?

Is the person who will use this product taking any other medications? Please include any herbal or vitamin supplements.

Does the person who will use this product have any medical conditions? Please list any medical conditions.


Please send a reply with your order number after purchase, to info@cornerchemist.com.au . Please note that if we are unable to contact your to verify the appropriateness of this product, your order may be cancelled and you will be refunded in full. 

For more information on Scheduled Medicines, please see the link below https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/S_T/Sale-and-supply-by-schedule